Monday, December 21, 2009

Entry #4, LA COSTA

Holaaaa!! This weekend my group and I all went with our friend Pancho to la costa! More specifically Ica, Nazca Pisco and a few other towns! The drive was so freaking long, ugghh, 7 hours in the back of this van. Pancho was our crazy driver who is basically the man. He owns a restaurant in Nazca we kept calling him the major! But the drive was pretty sketchy, the policia stop whatever vehicle or car whenever they want and choose to search the car for drugs or whatever. But luckily we were stopped a bunch but never searched. It was actually terrifying but Pancho wouldn't have let anything happen to us! So we got to Ica at night so we had no idea where we were except for a small oasis in the center of the VERY small town. The next morning we woke up and I thought we were in Arabian nights from Aladdin. We were completely surrounded by ENORMOUS sand dunes and actually realized why our hotel was called the American Oasis, because we were literally at a natural oasis in the middle of the desert!

That day we woke up super early to go on dune boogies and go sand boarding which is SOOOO fun! I sat in the back of the boogie with Kasia and Catlin and we were being tossed around like crazy! It was just amazing, nothing in sight just sand EVERYWHERE. The sand boarding was awesome, we started on small dunes then finished with una loca grande! a few people in the group burned their elbows but no one was seriously hurt. We left that afternoon to drive 2 hours to Pisco and visited a winery where they make pisco the cultural drink of Peru. Then we left and drove to Nasca where the next day we did the coolest thing - took a plane and viewed the nasca lines from the air!! If anyone doesn't know about the Nasca lines, they're old lines that create images of a spider, humming bird, and various other lines. the Nasca people created these unreal creations a few thousand years ago and only discovered in the 20s. The pilot had the plane basically doing barrel rolls so that everyone could see them, we almost had a few people get sick, but the pilots had a special cure! After that we went to a special local place where this grandmother and her grandson make unique nasca pottery! It was so magical. Then we went to a museum where this shaman read everyone's energy and gave those who were low in energy this special flower oil, it looked like gasoline but it smelled wonderful. He said that I had the highest positive energy of the whole group and didn't give me any of the special flower oil. Then we went back to Ica to stay at the same hotel as the first night. we met some people from ireland and NZ had a good time and left super early the last morning to go to the coast to see penguins and sealions which was so cool!!

overall an amazing amazing trip! then we had the dreaded 7 hour car-ride back through the Andes. It was a great weekend, but only to be followed by an even better week! This week we're going to make small gifts for the kids of the orphanage and prison for christmas, and even though I really miss my family I am so happy to give these kids a christmas they wont forget!

Until next time!
Heather aka Lola - the prison woman can't pronounce the letter 'H' so they all call me Lola!

I hope everyone has a fabulous christmas and santa is good to everyone!!

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